Hate this money to do
發表於 : 週三 12月 07, 2005 12:27 am
Hate this money to do
Woodstock has sang for
What peace and love for
Their flower children drugs for
What will happen for
Love they wanted for
Make dreams they had for
What would people for
Let the thinking off
Hungry make them all
Drugs make them thought
Deep wanting from the hell
Hunger for the heaven
What would you doing for
Sang your business loving song
What do you want once more
Just remember that day 1969 August in
Woodstock……they had for….
Woodstock has sang for
What peace and love for
Their flower children drugs for
What will happen for
Love they wanted for
Make dreams they had for
What would people for
Let the thinking off
Hungry make them all
Drugs make them thought
Deep wanting from the hell
Hunger for the heaven
What would you doing for
Sang your business loving song
What do you want once more
Just remember that day 1969 August in
Woodstock……they had for….