看Bob Dylan演唱會感想


版主: thorn

兩年前有機會在多倫多看到Bob Dylan的現場演出﹐我跟台灣朋友說﹐除了滿足自己朝聖的心情外﹐感覺就像是在21世紀的舞台上﹐重新看到蔣公演講一樣﹐當然這種形容污辱了Bob Dylan﹐這位60多歲的老先生﹐從60年代開始一直搖滾到今天﹐從站在Martin Luther King後面唱 "When the ship comes in"的小毛頭﹐到Julia Roberts前面唱"Things have changed"的怪老頭﹐他是搖滾樂的先鋒和後衛﹐他打的位置太多了﹐他是60年代民謠反戰歌曲的的領袖﹐他是70年代民謠鄉村搖滾的領航者﹐他是80年代基督靈魂樂的中堅分子﹐他是90年代藍調搖滾的老鬼﹐哪有一個手裡拿吉它﹐頭戴口琴架的年輕人﹐不是受到他的影響﹐他令他的歌迷們覺得活到60歲﹐不是一件太壞的事﹐雖然他很幽默的說﹐I almost see Elvis﹐他向他過世的好友George Harrison和Johnny Cash說﹐Sorry, I cannot make it there yet﹐他在舞台上表演的活力﹐幾乎要讓人相信﹐他可以打敗時間。

演唱會中﹐我坐在一個老太太旁邊﹐我幾乎要紅了臉﹐當我聽到她驚呼﹐look at these young people﹐Bob Dylan的演唱會快變成爺爺帶著兒子帶著孫子的天倫場面了﹐他的歌迷群已經從戰後嬰兒潮﹐轉移到第三代﹐但是真正死忠瘋狂的﹐莫過於飛車黨徒﹐他們個個身材魁梧﹐浪人模樣﹐害我上廁所時﹐完全不敢插隊﹐他們一路騎著重型摩托車﹐隨著Bob Dylan的演唱會出現﹐聽他唱Highwater

I got a craving love for blazing speed, got a hopped up Mustang Ford
Jump into the wagon, Love, throw your panties overboard

當Bob Dylan一身牛仔裝﹐戴著牛仔帽﹐低調的在舞台上出現﹐唯一出乎我意料外的是﹐我竟然覺得這個傢伙沒有什麼特別﹐開始有對偶像的幻滅感﹐可能是舞台離我們太近了﹐覺得一切都觸手可及﹐直到Bob Dylan二話不說的拿起吉它彈起 Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum的Riff時候﹐他馬上用電音把我們包圍在藍草音樂的重重煙霧裡﹐看Bob Dylan演唱會前﹐心裡要做幾個準備﹐一是你不知道他當天晚上要表演那些曲目﹐因為他40多年來的資歷﹐寫的歌曲多如牛毛﹐每場都會更動一些歌曲﹐二是你不知道他會怎樣表演那些歌曲﹐同樣的歌﹐他可能用電吉它﹐可能不插電﹐可能彈鋼琴﹐可能吹口琴﹐歌曲之間﹐他不會介紹曲名﹐事實上﹐在我看到的演唱會裡 ﹐他一句閒話也沒說﹐他唯一向我們問話的時候﹐竟是他把 Rainy Day Women #12 & 35的歌詞﹐改成介紹band和問好的穿插﹐唱歌已經成為他唯一溝通的方式﹐這就是第三點﹐你不知道他在唱什麼﹐這對來聽演唱會的我們﹐會是一種諷刺﹐ 但是Bob Dylan歷盡滄桑的歌聲﹐和模糊的唱腔﹐已經變成他近幾年的招牌風格﹐運用好的時候﹐反而賦予歌曲生命的包袱﹐例如他在Summer Days唱 Oh, love, I can't be happy if you ain't happy too/why don't you break my heart one more time, just for good luck。這位60多歲的老先生﹐和40年前唱relationship has all been bad的他﹐對於感情問題依然無可奈何﹐只是多了一份見山是山的幽默消遣﹐I got a long-haired woman and she got raw Indian blood。

Bob Dylan被號稱為有史以來最偉大的做詞家﹐他不落窠臼充滿詩意的歌詞﹐能夠避免斧鑿痕跡﹐是他最偉大的地方﹐例如Moonlight裡﹐他寫

The clouds are turning crimson
The leaves fall from the limbs and
The branches cast their shadows over stone
Won't you meet me
out in the moonlight alone

The boulevards of cypress trees
The masquerade of birds and bees
The petals pink and white, the wind has blown
Won't you meet me
out in the moonlight alone

The trailing moss in mystic glow
The purple blossom soft as snow
My tears keep flowing to the sea.
Doctor, lawyer, Indian chief
It takes a thief to catch a thief
For whom does the bell toll for, love?
It tolls for you and me.

一般流行音樂或者藍調﹐都有其公式化而重複的歌詞結構﹐Bob Dylan的歌詞多變而富麗﹐他演唱起來﹐卻不需要任何草稿﹐他可以打敗任何時下風行的饒舌歌手﹐尤其是他還能邊彈邊唱。Bob Dylan年輕時最受人批評的吉它技巧﹐到老來卻變成可以即興在吉它上隨處遊走彈Lick的老鬼﹐加上向來他band裡的吉它手火力超強﹐從最早的Robbie Robertson到現在的Larry Campbell和Charlie Sexton﹐間奏的時候﹐火力全開﹐如同坐在雲霄飛車上向下衝﹐隨時失控的感覺﹐非常狂野﹐Robbie Robertson回憶說﹐Bob Dylan一直討厭排演﹐Robbie問他﹐這首歌要如何結束﹐Bob回答﹐"When it's over, it's over. We'll just stop" Bob Dylan讓他的歌曲幾乎有自己的生命一樣﹐歌曲本身是主角﹐他們只是參與演出的配角。

這種不注重排演﹐隨時唱Live的精神﹐我認為是Bob Dylan最厲害的地方﹐當Beatles晚期忙著唱片後製和混音﹐他們已經無法做現場表演﹐因為很多音樂的效果﹐只有在錄音室裡才做得到﹐而太多的後製和混音﹐反而讓音樂失去了最原始的震撼﹐Bob Dylan和他的Band﹐始終保持著那份不經修飾的真﹐他不把力氣花在彩排上﹐而把所有的力量在舞台上全部爆發出來﹐他時常會製造和其它吉它手的對立感﹐他拿著吉它﹐像拿著西洋劍一樣﹐刀口對著旁邊的兩位吉它手挑戰﹐你唯有不停的揮著劍抵禦﹐不然你會有跟不上他的危險﹐非常的up tempo﹐結果是整個band的演奏﹐製造出非常強烈的衝突性﹐這是我從別的樂團聽不到的地方﹐而他野蠻的歌聲﹐就是對所有聽眾耳朵的挑戰﹐當他在Lonesome Day Blues裡嘶吼著﹐直指人心的句子﹐Funny the things you have the hardest time parting with are the things you need the least。你的靈魂很難不被他刺入。而當你被音樂的張力壓制到極限的時候﹐Bob Dylan會突然轉身拿起口琴﹐用口琴聲穿出電吉它的槍林彈雨﹐感覺就像是戰爭與和平裡﹐士兵在戰場上﹐突然領略到天空的美麗﹐而覺得眼前的拿破倫是如此的渺小﹐他用口琴把音樂提昇到了和上帝對話的層次﹐他要在那裡釋放你﹐這是演唱會的高潮。

Bob Dylan是這個世紀最後一個不需要藉MTV和媒體宣傳的藝人﹐他也是最後一個不需要關心主流市場的歌手﹐他從18歲走唱紐約街頭開始﹐證明了個人和理想主義的力量﹐可以揮灑的如此精彩﹐他是偶像中的偶像﹐但對他個人而言﹐他現在只是一個珍惜夕陽的老人﹐他可以很感性的唱Mississippi﹐my heart is not weary, it's light and it's free. I got nothing but affection with those who've sailed with me. 或者在安可曲中﹐重溫他年輕時狂放﹐他唱Everybody must get stoned﹐我可以開始聞到從四面八方傳來的大麻煙﹐但Bob Dylan才是真正人生舞台上的浪子﹐我們只能在台下景仰。



When the ship comes--Bob Dylan

Things have changed--Bob Dylan

Rainy Day Women--Bob Dylan
謝謝老頑童的熱心﹐各位也可以到Bob Dylan 的官方網站裡performance
real player 就是


Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum


Lonesome Day Blues
http://bobdylan.com/audio/live/bd/lones ... 020102.ram

High Water (for Charley Patton)

Most Likely You Go Your Way and I'll Go Mine



Bob Dylan - Like A Rolling Stone

Once upon a time you dressed so fine
You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you?
People'd call, say, Beware doll, you're bound to fall
You thought they were all kiddin' you
You used to laugh about
Everybody that was hangin' out
Now you don't talk so loud
Now you don't seem so proud
About having to be scrounging for your next meal.
How does it feel
How does it feel
To be without a home
Like a complete unknown
Like a rolling stone?
You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely
But you know you only used to get juiced in it
And nobody has ever taught you how to live on the street
And now you find out you're gonna have to get used to it
You said you'd never compromise
With the mystery tramp, but now you realize
He's not selling any alibis
As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes
And ask him do you want to make a deal?
How does it feel
How does it feel
To be on your own
With no direction home
Like a complete unknown
Like a rolling stone?
You never turned around to see the frowns on the jugglers and the clowns
When they all come down and did tricks for you
You never understood that it ain't no good
You shouldn't let other people get your kicks for you
You used to ride on the chrome horse with your diplomat
Who carried on his shoulder a Siamese cat
Ain't it hard when you discover that
He really wasn't where it's at
After he took from you everything he could steal.
How does it feel
How does it feel
To be on your own
With no direction home
Like a complete unknown
Like a rolling stone?
Princess on the steeple and all the pretty people
They're drinkin', thinkin' that they got it made
Exchanging all kinds of precious gifts and things
But you'd better lift your diamond ring, you'd better pawn it babe
You used to be so amused
At Napoleon in rags and the language that he used
Go to him now, he calls you, you can't refuse
When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose
You're invisible now, you got no secrets to conceal.
How does it feel
How does it feel
To be on your own
With no direction home
Like a complete unknown
Like a rolling stone?


Bob Dylan - Tangled Up In Blue

Early one morning the sun was shining; I was laying in bed
Wondering if she'd changed at all, if her hair was still red
Her folks, they said our lives together sure was gonna be rough
They never did like Mama's homemade dress, Papa's bankbook wasn't big enough
Me, I'm standing on the side of the road, rain falling on my shoes
I'm heading out to the old east coast, lord knows I've paid some dues

Getting through; tangled up in blue

She was married when we first met, soon to be divorced
I helped her out of a jam, I guess, but I used a little too much force
We drove that car as far as we could, abandoned it out west
Split up on a sad dark night, both agreeing it was best

She turned around to look at me as I was walking away
And I heard her say over my shoulder, we'll meet again some day
On the avenue, tangled up in blue

I was living in the great North Woods, working as a cook for a spell
But I never did like it all that much, and one day the axe just fell
So I drifted down to New Orleans, where I happened to be employed
Yeah I was working for a while on a fishing boat, right outside of Delacroix

And all the while I was alone, the past was close behind
I've seen a lot of women, but she never escaped my mind
And I just grew tangled up in blue

She was working at a topless bar, and I stopped in for a beer
I just kept looking at the side of her face in the spotlight so clear
Now, later on the crowd thinned out, and I was just about to do the same
She's standing there in that back of my chair, she said, don't I know your name?

Well I muttered something underneath my breath, she studied the lines on my face
I must admit I felt a little uneasy when she bent down to tie the laces
Of my shoes; we were tangled up in blue. I know, I know, I know....

She lit a burner on the stove and offered me a pipe
I thought you'd never say hello, she said, you look like the silent type
And then she opened up a book of poems and handed it to me
Written by an Italian poet from the thirteenth century

Every one of those words rang true and glowed like burning coal
Pouring off of every page like it was written in my soul
From me to you; tangled up in blue

I lived with them on Montague Street
In a basement down the stairs, yeah
There was music in the cafes at night
And revolution in the air

That's when he started into dealing with slaves
And something inside of her died, just died
She had to sell everything she owned
And she froze up inside

And finally, when the bottom feel out, I became withdrawn
The only thing I knew how to do was to keep on keeping on
Like a bird that flew
Tangled up in blue

Now I'm heading back again, I got to get to her somehow
And all the people that I used to know, they're an illusion to me now
Some are mathematicians, some are carpenters' wives
I don't know how it all got started, I dunno what they're doing with their lives

But me, I'm still on the road, headed for another joint
We always did feel the same, we just saw it from a different point
Of view, tangled up in blue. I know, I know, I know...

謝謝劉哲廷先生﹐提供Bobby的照片﹐和兩首最經典的歌詞﹐不過不知道什麼原因﹐我點播聯結﹐卻無法播放﹐可能是檔太大而我的電腦太慢了嗎﹖Tangled Up In Blues有點半自傳的味道﹐我最喜歡他在最後說他的朋友﹐有些變成了數學家﹐有些變成了木匠的老婆﹐而他依然在路上﹐前往下一個抽大麻的地方﹐我們都是一樣﹐只是對事情有了不同的觀點﹐揪結在blue裡﹐這是Bobby對所有在嘻皮年代幻滅的年輕人們﹐最大的諷刺。





Like a rolling stone大概是Bob Dylan在Radio上最常被播放的歌曲﹐這首歌是1965年專輯﹐Highway 61 revisited的主打歌﹐很多人本來以為Bob故意利用Rolling Stone的名聲﹐寫這首歌來打知名度﹐因此聽了這張專輯﹐結果使他們變成了Bob的迷﹐歌詞裡的諸多人物Miss Lonely﹑Mystery Tramp﹑Siamese Cat﹑Princess on the steeple和Napolean in rags﹐像馬戲團一樣的在你的耳朵裡輪流出現﹐這種充滿象征和人物畫像的歌詞﹐是整張專輯最重要的特色﹐有人盛譽Bob Dylan是莎士比亞化裝成的歌手﹐聽完這專輯你至少很難不被他折服﹐這張專輯是Bob Dylan和他所領導的民謠搖滾﹐新的里程碑﹐

Tangled Up In Blue是1975年專輯﹐Blood on the tracks的主打歌﹐這張專輯最被人津津樂道是﹐所有的歌都寫在Bob Dylan婚姻快破碎的時期﹐每一首歌都充滿了對感情的疲憊﹑憤怒和眷戀﹐這是Bob Dylan最偉大的專輯﹐也是他最personal的作品﹐他的小孩現在也是歌手的Jacob Dylan回憶說﹐聽這張專輯就像聽他的父母吵架一樣。Tangled Up In Blue和Like a Rolling Stone最大的不同是﹐它不再是一個象征秀﹐歌詞用第一人稱敘述﹐所有感情記憶裡的片段﹐像明信片一樣﹐你不需要看到整個故事﹐你只要看到那個時間點﹐你就知道他在說什麼﹐因為感情是人類靈魂的共通之處。所以歌詞裡的She不是一個人﹐而是很多不同的人﹐在不同的場合﹐有著不同的過去﹐但Bob不寫愛情有多甜蜜﹐分離有多痛苦﹐只在最後說Tangled up in blue﹐由我們自己來解釋﹐他把個人的感情問題﹐模糊了焦點﹐讓聽者接了過去﹐變成了聽者自己的聲音。
我記得,我第一次看到Bob Dylan這名字是在Nico的專輯The Chelsea Girl裡,有一首I'll keep it with mine,我很喜歡,創作者就是Bob Dylan--他們在創作上的契合是令人驚悸,卻又這般迷人。

圖檔 Nico

那個年代,產生了這個年代的傳奇。除了Bobby之外,更有Joan Baez、Phil Ochs、Janis Joplin、Jimi Hendrix...等,更甚影響到往後的Rock的發展和主流市場的Folk的勃發。




我手上只有唯一一張Bob Dylan的專輯
Bob Dylan LIVE 1966


個人覺得像Bob Dylan這樣懷著人道熱情的追尋者,總是令人感


thorn 寫:"他令他的歌迷們覺得活到60歲﹐不是一件太壞的事"




